Monday, April 26, 2010

Still here.... and plugging away!

Last week was a success - 3 days of exercise and 7 of devotions. I haven't officially started meal planning yet (next week starts the new month, you know), but I have a cool new chart to help me out with that. I can't wait to see my new charts and systems take shape as each new month presents a new challenge! Budgeting will not be the primary focus of this meal plan, but rather actually doing it. And, with my new chart, I will create a file and save the meal plans, so I can reference them later, and perhaps create a master, rotating quarterly meal plan or something. Cool, huh?
Getting exercise in this week will be a challenge - I forgot today, tomorrow is shopping day, and Friday and Saturday we're having a garage sale. We'll see what we can do....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Week Two - Exercise

Wow, it's been awhile. Sorry. Last week I missed a day of exercise because I wasn't feeling well. I didn't exercise Monday because I was out running errands after lunch. BUT I made up for it Tuesday. :) Even the little I've been doing has been helping my morale, I think. It feels good to be heading in the right direction.
I've done a bit of looking at some other bloggers' meal plans. Tried a few more recipes! But I haven't made much progress on that front. Guess that's next on the to-do list!
Sometimes devotions is read-it-before-bed, but most of the time I set aside time. I enjoy it. I haven't been doing well with prayer though. My logic says that God already knows what I want, so why ask? But I know He says to ask. And I know from experience that I HATE it when my son wants something (and I know it) but he won't ask for it. He's too proud! So I'd better work on that too.... Gotta go!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Exercise - Week One - Success

I did miss a day of devotions last week. Saturday - we were gone most of the afternoon and it never crossed my mind. But I did exercise 3 times last week. Yea! Next month is meal planning and budgeting, and that is going to take a bit of prep work. Starting to think about it, but not much beyond that... (unless you count the umpteen meal lists I've made in the past, but never did much with...). But for now, I'm happy with daily devotions and thrice weekly exercise. I'll try to keep it up!